Dundonald Highland Games is one of Ayrshire’s premier cultural events. It is unique in capturing traditional Scottish heritage and strong community spirit within the picturesque setting of Royal Dundonald Castle. Admission to the Games is completely free and offers a whole range of entertainment and activities.
The festivities begin at 11.30am with the Children’s Fancy Dress competition at the Montgomerie Hall followed by the Street Procession through the centre of the village to the Playing Fields. At 12.30pm, during the Opening Ceremony watch the coronation of the Games Queen and the Chieftain’s Address.
Throughout the day the Piping Arena is home to the RSPBA Pipe Band and Drum Major contests where highly skilled local, regional and international bands compete from Grades 1 to 4. Elsewhere, the Solo Piping and RSOBHD Highland Dancing stages will showcase some of the finest Scottish and global talent. The Events Arena will provide a range of alternative entertainment including our burly Scots competing at the Heavy Events. Royal Dundonald Castle and the Visitor Centre is open all day and the castle will also provide a magnificent background for the Solo Lament during the Prize Giving and Closing Ceremony.
Visit the Stalls & Craft Fayre where you will find a fantastic blend of commercial stalls and local clubs and organisations from throughout the village.
Later on why not enter our popular Open Events competition which is free for members of the public to join in a variety of fun games and activities. Then watch the locals battle it out during the Tug-o-war and marvel in awe as the Massed Pipe Bands Parade marches through the village from the War Memorial.
Finally, round the day off by following a well-respected local tradition and drink a toast to the Chieftain in the local pub and continue the festivities in good company.
We hope you enjoy our Highland Games and all the events and activities held during Dundonald Games Week.
Haste ye back!
Dundonald Playing Fields
Winehouse Yett