Dundonald Highland Games Society
Dundonald Highland Games Society

Dundonald Highland Games is one of Ayrshire’s premier cultural events. It is unique in capturing traditional Scottish heritage and strong community spirit within the picturesque setting of Royal Dundonald Castle.
Admission to the event is completely free and offers a whole range of entertainment and activities including a traditional highland games with pipe band contest, drum majors, solo piping, highland dancing, battle re-enactment, heavy events, side stalls, massed pipe bands display and street parades.
Dundonald Highland Games takes place on Saturday 1st August 2020 at Royal Dundonald Castle and starts with a Street Procession at 12 noon.
Dundonald Games Week takes place during the week leading up to the highland games and includes a treasure hunt, 10km road race, kids’ fun run, pet show and 7-a-side football competition.
Charity info – Dundonald Games Society SCIO – Scottish Charity Number SC044025