Dundonald Highland Games is financed in part through the kind support of individuals in the form of Patronage. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our Patrons, past and present, for their generous support.
The patron package is for people who want to support the event and enjoy the comfort of the Patrons’ Marquee. The fee is payable on an annual basis.
The £25 package comprises:
- Complementary hospitality drinks tickets
- Patrons rosette
- Access to the Patrons’ Hospitality Marquee for two people
- Complimentary programme
- Entry into Patrons’ £100 prize draw
Patronage forms will be distributed around the village. If you would like to be a patron, you can do so by cheque to 3 Earl Rise, Dundonald, KA2 9JJ or to our post box at Dundonald Castle Visitor Centre. Alternatively, you can make a donation by Bank Transfer to:
Dundonald Games Society SCIO
Account 00732267
Sort Code 83-27-26
Please use the reference PATRON and confirm your name and address to

Become a Patron
The easiest way for you to support Dundonald Highland Games is to become a Patron for only £25.
All Patrons receive a complimentary programme and rosette, and are automatically entered into the Patrons’ Prize Draw. Patrons are also permitted exclusive access for two persons to the Hospitality Marquee which overlooks the Piping and Events Arenas, and has a private bar and catering.